When Women Speak - Stories Worth Telling
What if sharing stories not to be defined by them, but to set them free, opens us up to reclaim and embrace ALL that we are! The messy, the imperfect, the mistakes, heartache, sadness and joy... all parts of our innate wildness no longer shamed into silence. When Women Speak... anything could happen. Welcome to the party!
28 episodes
"oh, I just have to be me" a life changing realisation to more ease with guest Helen Amery
Helen Amery shares several game changing moments in this episode all around seeing through the stories created about who we are and what we're capable of. There's plenty to relate to and learn from listening to Helen's experience.Helen ...
Blossoming Into Your Aligned HellYes Life with guest Joy Perreras
I am joined in this conversation by Personal Freedom Guide Joy Perreras. As a Certified Spiritual Coach, Joy guides women through her one-on-one coaching, workshops, andretreats, undressing their hearts, releasing stuck emotions, allowing m...
A Soul On Fire - Sara J. Sanderson as guest on 'Free To Be' hosted by Shaneen Mooney
Stories Worth Telling host Sara J. Sanderson was invited to be the first guest on the new Podcast 'Free To Be' hosted by Shaneen Mooney to share about her life, her understanding of life, and the social enterprise When Women Speak Global Networ...

Making the Uncomfortable Comfortable - Asking Powerful Questions with guest Marissa Loewen
In this episode guest Marissa Loewen shares how her curious nature and being unafraid to ask challenging questions is met with different responses - from gratitude to being blocked on social media. Marissa has the ability to make the uncomforta...

Let's Talk About Sex with guest Leah Carey
In this episode we get to talk about sex with guest Leah Carey, a sex and intimacy coach working with women who want to move beyond laying-back-and-accepting-whatever-their-partner-does-to-them, and are ready to become equal co-creators o...
Living in a State of Grace with guest Sara Priestley
In this episode we are joined by intuitive coach Sara Priestley who’s also a guide in our exploration of true nature, a poet and mother to four cats who you can listen out for in the background.Sara and I speak about enjoying life as it ...
Death of the Good Girl! Being a Heart Centred Adult Willing to Make Mistakes and Learn
In this Podcast episode we are joined by the fabulously talented, warm, generous and open hearted powerhouse, and professional photographer Laura Wood. We get to hear what this interesting year so far has shown Laura, the importance...
What 2020 Is Showing Many Women, with Empowerment Coach Alexandria Maria
We are joined by self confessed Podcast addict Alexandria Maria, an Empowerment Coach and Business Mentor for women all over the world. Alexandria is on a mission to help as many women as possible make their dream life a reality.&n...

Did I Choose My Trauma? Transmuting Pain to Power with guest Yemi Penn
Did I Choose My Trauma?A provocative question and title of a new self funded documentary short by today’s guest Yemi Penn. In this episode we hear about the project and the next steps for it to become a full length documentary and...

Real Change ~ Exploring the foundation of lasting transformation and how to be the change you want to see in the world
Real Change ~ Into The Body starts 19 October! Space for 8 women ready to uncover the foundation of lasting transformation and from that understanding and embodiment, BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE! &nbs...

What's In A Name? Honour What Makes You Unique & Ask For What You Want - with Artistic Director Mojisola Elufowoju
Mojisola Elufowoju is a British Born Nigerian, Award-Winning Director, and the CEO/Artistic Director and Founder of Utopia Theatre. She creates work extensively with under-represented voices. The next Utopia Theatre production 'Here’s What She ...
Could Universal Basic Income eradicate a certain level of poverty for good? This and other stories of social justice shared by Tchiyiwe Chihana
Tchiyiwe Chihana is an award winning British-Zambian creative, activist, writer and speaker who identifies as a womanist and currently works for the UBI Lab Network. Tchiyiwe writes for “Now Then Magazine,” is a campaigner for Univ...

Being Who You Were Born To Be, with Emotional Strength Coach Kari Roberts
Kari Roberts is our special guest for this episode, sharing her stories of going against the grain in order to follow her heart and be true to what she knew to do and be in the world.Kari is an Emotional Strength Coach who holds and fac...

Silence Speaks (and it's telling you what's possible) with guest Laura Li
Our guest for this episode is Laura Li a life coach and cheerleader for Quiet Bohemians: introverts and highly sensitive people who want to live life without censoring what they want, say or do. She helps them feel more confident, express thems...

Seeing and Embracing Your Brilliance with Guest Sarah Ashman
In this episode we hear stories from Sarah Ashman founder of Public Persona Studio, a small business focused on helping entrepreneurs and influencers clarify their brand, uplevel their business, elevate their influence, and increase their perce...

Energy, Cycles, Embodiment & Living a Soul led life, with guest Lian Brook-Tyler
Lian Brook-Tyler is our guest today. She is a creatrix, initiatrix and the co-founder of Primal Happiness. Her mythical journey began when she leapt from corporate leadership onto the path of spirituality, after she suddenly, and somewhat myste...

From Breakdown to Breakthrough, from abuse to self care ~ honest sharing from lover of life, Shaneen Mooney
In this 2 part episode we’re joined by Lover of life Shaneen Mooney.Shaneen works as a Wellness Advocate with Essential Flow and lives as explorer of the heart, mind and soul with her passion project- Understanding Life Being Human.&...

The Breath of Life ~ Stories of Transformation from Breathwork Healer, Kathy Bell
This episode we are joined by Kathy Bell a breathwork healer and space holder. Kathy is passionate about helping sensitive and empathic people like herself to remember that true connection is found within and that you don’t need saving, fixing ...

Into The Unknown ~ Nicola Snoad speaks about saying goodbye to who you thought you were, being in limbo, and knowing there's more to come
Nicola Snoad, Co-founer of When Women Speak Global Network shares stories about how the Dark Feminine shows up in her life. How she could no longer work as a business coach making £5k months by pushing through resistance and ignoring a deeper d...
Season 1
Episode 10

Express Yourself ~ embracing all of who you are (including the parts you don't want people to see) with Guest Adam Quiney
I found this to be a playful and impactful conversation about the strategies adopted to keep us safe and yet keep us from being fully expressed in the world. From love, Adam is connection, passion, presence, wit and brilliance. From fear, he is...
Season 1
Episode 9

Listening to the body, feeding the fire within, and bio-hacking - with guest Jessie Lucas
In this episode we hear stories from Jessie Lucas on leaving a troubled marriage, seeming to take on the impossible and succeeding, getting curious about better ways to stay healthy for longer, and inspiration from Dolly Parton. Je...
Season 1
Episode 8

What happens when you say no to fear? Conceptual/expressionist artist IJE shares her creative journey
In this episode we hear stories from IJE – pronounced eejay. A conceptual/expressionist artist with MA Fine Art from Birmingham School of Art. The conversation points to nothing really stopping you even when fear has a compelling narrat...
Season 1
Episode 7
What is the voice of silence telling you? With guest Professor Laura Serrant OBE
"Screaming Silences" and "A process for liberating the silence in the voices of the unheard" ~ these are a couple of the things written about the work of Professor Laura Serrant OBE on her website and also some of what you get to hear more abou...
Season 1
Episode 6

Beyond Suffering ~ understanding anxiety, fear & how stories can cage us, with guest Missy Maiorano
Strap yourself in for a thought provoking mind bending episode. This sort of conversation is my absolute fave!!! It points to the causeless joy, limitless peace and freedom we are when not veiled by stories and narratives that turn...
Season 1
Episode 5

Don’t let limiting conditioning get in the way of shining your light! Beautiful wisdom from guest Rohini Ross
Rohini Ross is passionate about helping people wake up to their full potential and we hear how she's continually waking up to her own and modelling that way of being in the world.Since the recording of this episode an edge Rohini...
Season 1
Episode 4