When Women Speak - Stories Worth Telling

"oh, I just have to be me" a life changing realisation to more ease with guest Helen Amery

When Women Speak

Helen Amery shares several game changing moments in this episode all around seeing through the stories created about who we are and what we're capable of. There's plenty to relate to and learn from listening to Helen's experience.

Helen works with people one-to-one and in groups to reconnect them to their innate brilliance and to the real them that’s been hidden behind stories and conditioning.

Having spent her life striving to learn, grow and develop, she was pretty horrified when around 40 a couple of challenging relationships made it obvious something wasn’t working. Despite all the development programmes and coaching she’d had, she found herself behaving in the very way she’d been coaching and training others not to. So now what?

Fortunately she was led into exploring the essence of Buddhism which then led to discovering the Three Principles and Non Duality. Since the beginning of that exploration back in early 2018, she has been deeply immersed in learning, exploring, realising and reconnecting to that innate brilliance we all are, and which also naturally reveals the unique flavour of life that is us.

A pivotal moment came in 2020 when she realised “oh, I just have to be me” and another level of ease with life appeared.

This is what Helen helps others to remember – that you are already innately brilliant and that what you want, and what we want, is you ‘just being you’.

Links to connect with Helen and her work:

Website ~ https://wildfigsolutions.co.uk  via the website you can explore the free things on offer *sign up to her newsletter and get her book free *do her free 5-day course that introduces you to the work *listen to interviews and podcast episodes.

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